Our Environmental Impact

Did you know?

Our reuse stores keep over 2,500,000 lbs. of clothing, books, cardboard, metal, and other goods out of the landfill every year.

Instead of being trashed, these items are sold or recycled, helping fund the Mission while averting waste. To prevent a negative environmental impact, we recycle what can't sell (over 1,000,000 pounds of clothing, shoes, metal... etc. every year). That's over 300,000 individual clothing garments! Over the years, our store operations have resulted in 10's of millions of garments staying out of the waste cycle through reuse and recycling.

Extending the lifecycle of clothes.

73% of US apparel is sent to landfills or incinerated, 95% of which could be reused or recycled. When you donate to Hope Bargain Centers these clothes gain a second life! Thrifting second-hand clothing increases the lifespan of clothes, decreasing the amount of clothes ending up in landfills. Through the sale of used goods on average per year, Hope's reuse stores keep the following items in circulation and out of landfills: 330,000 clothing garments, 385,000 household items, 8,500 furniture pieces, 20,000 kitchen and large appliances, 45,000 pairs of shoes, and 32,000 linens. An average year's recycling totals are: 750,000 lbs. clothing, 75,000 lbs. shoes, 95,000 lbs. cardboard, 180,000 lbs. books, 100,000+ lbs. various metals and automobiles. Ultimately, recycling reduces cost for the Mission and helps fund our homeless services.

sustainable for the community.

According to the National Alliance to End Homelessness: “A chronically homeless person costs the taxpayer an average of $35,578 per year.” By helping those who need it most, Hope Gospel Mission helps reduce the strain of taxpayer dollars while remaining privately funded and free of cost for people experiencing homelessness and/or struggling with addiction. A minimum of six months of program operating expenses is maintained in reserve for unforeseen funding interruptions such as natural disasters or social and economic crises. This reserve gives Hope Gospel Mission the financial stability to provide homeless services and addiction recovery programs in all circumstances.

Additionally, 30% of all of Hope’s labor comes from community volunteers. Volunteering shows the sustainable community support for Hope Gospel Mission and allows more of the funds generated by thrift operations and financial gifts by our donors, to be used for resident impact programming.