Mariam's Journey to Find Hope

Growing up in Wisconsin, Mariam was a happy child.  Her parents divorced when she was young, but she attended church and lived a good life.  She met a man, married and had two children.  Unfortunately, the marriage did not last and soon after, her brother passed away.  "I never fully healed from my brother's loss," Mariam says.  "I can't pinpoint exactly when it started, but depression and anxiety led me to start drinking."

The drinking went from a few nights a week, to drinking all day.  "I was a functioning alcoholic," Mariam admits.  "But when I lost my job, I knew I should scale back."  Unfortunately, Mariam continued to struggle with her addiction.  Her father and stepmother made the decision to care for her children until Mariam was ready.

Mariam accepted she was unfit to care for her children and sought help.

She went to a short-term rehab not once but twice.  The second time was court mandated for DUIs.  "I just wasn't ready to leave my best friend--alcohol," Mariam admits, "but I knew it was time to make a permanent change.  I was encouraged to contact Hope Gospel Mission, and I am so glad I did!"

On entering the program, Mariam struggled with her addiction and depression.  Thankfully, through faith and determination, Mariam worked the program and achieved graduation.  "I had to do it for my kids," she says.  "Every step of the program here at Hope Gospel Mission brought me one step closer to reuniting with my family."

Mariam also found the peace she was searching for.  She rekindled her relationship with God and the anger she harbored from her brother's death diminished.  "Because the programs are Christ-centered, I was able to find joy again!"

Today, Mariam works full-time and has her own apartment.  She also works at the rehab center she first went to.  "Helping people keeps me accountable, and I can share my story with others.  I encourage everyone to go to Hope Gospel Mission if they are searching for long-term care.

Thank you for supporting those in need at Hope Gospel Mission.  Mariam joyfully says, "Thank you!  Hope Gospel Mission saved my life, and it saves many others too."

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