February Newsletter 2025

Dear Friend,

A new year is upon us.  I look at it with both optimism and faith.  The Lord brought us so many good things last year and we look forward to the many opportunities He will send us this year.

Because of your faithful partnership, many found refuge here last year.  These residents found a safe place to lay their head, a hot meal to satisfy their hunger, and joy and peace in their spirit.  Through your faithful support, they found hope and healing.

As many of you know, life can also bring challenges.  No doubt, this year will present challenges to each of us, but we can face these challenges with God who gives us faith to trust Him.  Because of this, we can offer the men, women, and children who walk through our doors a new beginning.

Thank you for caring for the people at Hope Gospel Mission.  You provide a place for exhausted and hopeless men and women to grow strong with God, overcome addictions and find joy again.

I look forward to sharing the challenges and victories of 2025 with you.  Thank you for caring.


Sandi Polzin 
Executive Director
Hope Gospel Mission


Growing up in Wisconsin, Mariam was a happy child.  Her parents divorced when she was young, but she attended church and lived a good life.  She met a man, married and had two children.  Unfortunately, the marriage did not last and soon after, her brother passed away.  "I never fully healed from my brother's loss," Mariam says.  "I can't pinpoint exactly when it started, but depression and anxiety led me to start drinking."

The drinking went from a few nights a week, to drinking all day.  "I was a functioning alcoholic," Mariam admits.  "But when I lost my job, I knew I should scale back."  Unfortunately, Mariam continued to struggle with her addiction.  Her father and stepmother made the decision to care for her children until Mariam was ready.

Mariam accepted she was unfit to care for her children and sought help.

She went to a short-term rehab not once but twice.  The second time was court mandated for DUIs.  "I just wasn't ready to leave my best friend--alcohol," Mariam admits, "but I knew it was time to make a permanent change.  I was encouraged to contact Hope Gospel Mission, and I am so glad I did!"

On entering the program, Mariam struggled with her addiction and depression.  Thankfully, through faith and determination, Mariam worked the program and achieved graduation.  "I had to do it for my kids," she says.  "Every step of the program here at Hope Gospel Mission brought me one step closer to reuniting with my family."

Mariam also found the peace she was searching for.  She rekindled her relationship with God and the anger she harbored from her brother's death diminished.  "Because the programs are Christ-centered, I was able to find joy again!"

Today, Mariam works full-time and has her own apartment.  She also works at the rehab center she first went to.  "Helping people keeps me accountable, and I can share my story with others.  I encourage everyone to go to Hope Gospel Mission if they are searching for long-term care.

Thank you for supporting those in need at Hope Gospel Mission.  Mariam joyfully says, "Thank you!  Hope Gospel Mission saved my life, and it saves many others too."

Robert grew up with strong values in the Church and a good work ethic.  He also cared deeply for his family.  When his mother was diagnosed with Parkinson's Disease, he took care of her every day.  This brought the two closer, and he did everything he could to keep her comfortable and happy.  He also worked full-time.  His days were busy, but he still found time for drinking.  The alcohol soothed his stress and worry.

Eventually, his mother required more care than he could manage alone.  His mother was placed in a home where she could receive the care she needed.

Suddenly, Robert had much more time on his hands.  He chose to spend it drinking.  The habit led him to losing his job and depleting his money.  He lost his home and lived in hotels.  Thankfully, Robert still had caring friends and family who encouraged him to detox and reach out to Hope Gospel Mission.

Robert did just that.  "Since coming to Hope Gospel Mission, I am growing closer to God," he explains.  "Attending church recharges me, and I am hopeful for life again."

As Robert continues his work in the program, he is growing stronger and more committed to his sobriety.  Even when his mother passed away shortly after his arrival, Robert stayed strong in his faith and sobriety.

"I could have given up," Robert says.  "I was low and tested, but I trusted and leaned on God."

Today, Robert enjoys being sober and studying modern history.  "Drinking made my body and mind tired.  Now, I can immerse myself in my studies.  I can also strengthen my relationship with family.  This would not be possible without Hope Gospel Mission."

Robert is looking forward to spending more time with his brother and his family.  He is also eager and hopeful about new possibilities in future employments.  "I am learning from my past mistakes and making good choices now," he says.

Robert is thankful for your support and the care you provide.  "This program is very genuine, heartfelt and caring.  They provide hope!  I am so thankful to be here," he says.


Excitement and cheers filled the air at the ribbon cutting for the new Hope Learning Center.  The day finally arrived for the doors to open to this beautiful space.  Through much prayer, generous gifts and the Lord's blessing, the new Hope Learning Center is now available for residents to study, pray and receive counseling in this quiet, expanded space.  

Because you choose to give, more men, women and women with children can begin their journey to true life transformation.  

Thank you for blessing those who are hurting and searching.  You are making a tremendous impact!

Give online now

As our mission states, Hope Gospel Mission exists to offer Christ-centered, life-changing help to those struggling with homelessness, brokenness and addiction.  We are committed to continue making a positive impact in our community, and we are excited to announce a new opportunity!

While we will continue to provide our existing recovery programs and support to help those struggling in our community, we are now looking to start an additional program:  a day warming and cooling shelter within a day resource center in downtown Eau Claire.  This shelter will focus on assisting individuals to transition out of chronic homelessness toward wellness, safety and stability.

For the past few years, Catholic Charities has been operating the Community Haven House as a day shelter for a few hours each day.  However, their contract will end in the spring, and they have decided not to continue this service.  About a year ago, Hope Gospel Mission began exploring the possibility of taking over the operation of this day shelter with a refreshed vision as we see the needs of the homeless continue to increase.

This day resource center will assist those struggling with basic needs and bring other local support agencies together to create an on-site referral network.  This network will allow us to refer individuals to various services more efficiently and effectively, helping them access the right assistance quickly and with fewer barriers.  We have been exploring partnerships with other agencies and the City of Eau Claire to ensure the best care is given to this vulnerable population.

As we prayed about stepping into this new program, funding was one of our primary concerns.  Fortunately, opportunities arose that would help provide funding for the first year of operations.  Western Dairyland, a large nonprofit organization dedicated to housing and aiding low-income individuals, is partnering with Hope Gospel Mission to establish a day resource center in downtown Eau Claire.

Western Dairyland will provide the physical space for this center and Hope Gospel Mission will handle the operations.  As they raise funds for this new space, a portion of the money collected will be designated for the operation of the day resource center.

As we move forward with this new program that will provide a greater impact in our community, we wanted you, our valued supporter, to be among the first to know about this.  We kindly ask for your prayers and wisdom as we continue to serve those facing homelessness, brokenness and addiction.  

We are currently working on many details, so stay tuned for updates as we embark on this exciting change!

For more information, please visit our website at www.hopegospelmission.org.  If you have any questions, please email us at questions@hopegospelmission.org.


Sandi Polzin 
Executive Director
Hope Gospel Mission

Gifts Given in Memory

(Persons being honored are listed first)

Joan Dolman

Janet Dolman

Wilma Toy Hodges

Andrew and Kimberly Thompson;
Richard and Mary Fradette
JC Penny Salon
Vickie Janicki
Matthew Kopp
Anne Cartman
Nancy Toy

Angie Heath

Donald Heath

Bonnie Staff

Creighton Staff

Marlene Eytcheson

Daniel and Gail Schulner
Michael and Darlys Watts

George and Merna Johnson

Bill and Jennie Stewart

Dick Nehring and Keving Henderson

Dale and Janice Albricht

Reeny Close

Sharon and Dale Luthy

Laverne Jensen

Louise Koxlien

Gerald Fox, Gary Bailey, George & Gladys Flory

Susan Fox

Ed Brown

Marlene Brown

CJ Robinson and Lynne Farmer

Justin and Heather Knutesen

Gloria Kostka

John and Jill Maly

Amy Stratton

Susan Stratton

James Kauffman

Suzette White
Liz Brown

Renea M Johnson and Randall T Swett

Steve and Roxane Peterson

Father, Mother and Daughter

Laurey Gavic

Andrew Berg

Jeff Sorte

John Goetz

Carole Licht

Judy, Stan & Darol

David and Leah Peterson

Arlene and Roger Wieman

Amy White

Matt and Leen Geske

Jerome and Gladys Geske

Sandra Miles

Judy Erickson

Robert, Celeste and Andrew Jimenez

Michelle Jimenez

Jack Harpke

John Harpke

My Parents

Kim Jeanselme

Marlys Leary

Robin Leary

Deborah Konkel

Carolyn Hathaway

Larry Hestekin

Kathleen Costa

Linda Acker

David Acker

Darreld Hastings

Margaret Hastings

Becky L Helwig

Gale Helwig

Millard, Shirley and Danne Sivertson

Robyn Sivertson

Jack Novotney

Joel Sperber

Daughter Kimberly

Beverly Larrabee

Geremiah Winker

Laurie Hanks

Al Twerberg and Al Gould

Richard and Teresa Van Gelder

Leilani Crandall

James and Amber Buck

Charles Cooley

Jon and Kristen Cooley

Philip Manor

Perry and Vranna Manor

Jim Coleman

Neil Hemenway

My Dad

Sandeep and Lopamudra Basu

Ken Gauerke

Michael and Martha Conard
Wayne and Marjorie Peters

Joe and Sharon Hawkins

Joe and Sharon Hawkins Estate

Caroline Janicki

Cheryl Broda

Our Parents

Gary Hillestad

Andrew Niedzwiecki

Mary Gustafson

Robert Hays

Angie Braaten

Kathryn Whites (65th Birthday)
Linda and Dennis Johnson (50th Anniversary)

Jeff and Kathy White

Gloria Livingston

LuAnn Livingston

Don Stoebner

Janelle Earl

Nancy Merkel

LuAnn Livingston

Margaret Giese

Louise Peterson-Sneen and Jim Sneen

Ken Gauerke

Edward and Pamela Schultz

James Bourget

Mark Bourget

John C Lenz

Roberta Lenz

Steven Mecham

Craig and Molly Devore

Rachel Richardson

Nathan Spate

My Mom and Dad

Crystal Smothers

Jeffrey Kohlbeck

Paula Kohlbeck


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