Thanksgiving is coming!

Dear Friend,
It’s easy to be thankful when everything is going right. But if you lost your job and your home, could you still be thankful?
For most residents at Hope Gospel Mission, the answer is “Yes!” They’re thankful for simple things like a good meal and a warm place to enjoy it. They appreciate the sense of family they find here. Most of all, they’re thankful to see better days ahead.
When a homeless neighbor comes to Hope Gospel Mission, they’re all out of hope. With each hardship that brought them to this point in their life, hope got a little farther out of their reach.
Your support for Hope Gospel Mission brings hope a little closer with every meal, every hour in class, every friendly greeting they receive. Soon, life doesn’t look quite so desperate. And as hurt turns into hope, our residents find more to be thankful for ... every day of the year.
This Thanksgiving season, I wish you more blessings than you can count. You have blessed us and our residents. Thank you!
Sandi Polzin
Executive Director
P.S. Your friendship means so much to everyone at Hope Gospel Mission. If you have time, please come by for a meal and tour and say hello!

Drake became chemically dependent on hard drugs at the age of 13. For years he relied on a needle to get his fix.
By the age of 28, he had lost everything. His family lost all hope for him. They didn’t know how to help him anymore, and he became homeless. He stayed in a shelter, going in and out of rehab. No one had hope for him.
One day, he heard about a friend whose life was transformed at Hope Gospel Mission. Everyone in Drake’s life encouraged him to give it a try. He had spent so much time looking for a way out of his addiction and poor lifestyle choices. Nothing had worked, but he was willing to try.
When he walked through the doors, he didn’t know what to expect. What came was nothing less than miraculous. By the grace of God, Drake has remained sober since that day.
Drake got connected with a great church and worked hard at recovery for a year and a half. He completed the Renewed Hope Program in July 2019.
“You learn a lot — from vocational to spiritual.”
Drake is now reunited with his family. They are incredibly proud of him. Now, he strives to share his story with those in the same place he was two years ago. He is currently in the Discipleship Transitions Program, preparing to serve the Lord wherever God calls him.
Drake knows he is blessed. His powerful encounter with God set him free from addictions he thought were unbreakable.
The recovery programs provided free of charge at Hope Gospel Mission are a true expression of the generosity of friends who care. Thank you for that. You are part of giving new life to people held captive by addictions. They and their families thank you from the heart.
“Somehow, I feel like God eased me into the program and eased me out of the withdrawals and symptoms. It seemed abnormal, but I knew God was working.”
Names and photos in stories may have been changed for privacy.

We will soon celebrate our very first Thanksgiving in the Hope Renewal Center for Men. We have a wonderful new kitchen and larger dining room for hosting Community Dinners, nightly dinners for residents and monthly Celebration Dinners. The new facility has space to accommodate 46 men while they participate in our three recovery programs.
1. Short Stay: While in the Short Stay program, those in need receive clothing, food and a place to sleep. During their stay they address short-term problems in their lives, such as transitioning between jobs or housing situations. Some residents decide to take a bigger step of commitment to growth by joining our long-term Renewed Hope program.
2. Renewed Hope: Residents work with counselors in eight different areas of life to help them become all that God created them to be. Academics, addictions, finances, life skills, mental health, nutrition/fitness, spirituality and employment are all addressed to help each person holistically build a new foundation for their fresh start.
3. Discipleship Transitions: Upon completion of the Renewed Hope Program residents have a job and receive a car. Then they have the ability to continue living at Hope Gospel Mission for an additional year to further learn and grow in faith as they transition to independent living. The new Hope Renewal Center for Men now has an area specifically designed for this program.

We are looking forward to our first Thanksgiving Community Dinner in the new Hope Renewal Center for Men!
This event is a highlight in our community where many come together to give thanks and enjoy a delicious Thanksgiving meal. No one should be alone on Thanksgiving. Our doors are wide open to welcome all.
Preparations start the week before and continue until Thanksgiving Day. And many volunteers help to make this day a success.
If you are interested in volunteering to make this Thanksgiving a day to remember, please contact Linda, Community Relations Coordinator, at 715-491-0905 for more details.
Linda can also help you get connected with other Mission volunteer opportunities throughout the year.
You are very much a part of blessing our community and especially those going through hard times.

Once a week, Trinity Equestrian Center opens their barn doors to women staying at Hope Gospel Mission.
Like people, horses are social beings. This innovative therapy allows for women to connect with these perceptive creatures.
With the horses' responses and the team's guidance, we work on: communication, triggers and coping, setting boundaries, overcoming fear and creating trust. The outcome is a beautiful combination of hope and healing.

Gifts given in Memory
Persons being honored are listed first.
- Adeline Kelly Campbell, Matt and Deborah Campbell
- Al Corneiller, Floors 'n More
- Alec Johnson, Daniel L and Isabelle Johnson
- Andrew Brame, Kim and Mark Chandler
- Anita Cooley and Ruth Hanson, Mr. and Mrs. Howard Hanson
- AZA, Carol and Donald Sandberg
- Bernard and Lucille McDonald, Mary McDonald
- Bernice Gessner, Allen Gessner
- Brent Talledge, Jinny Juntumen
- Bruce Bigelow, Ramona Joy Purnell
- Carl Sudbrink, Lori Sudbrink
- Carol Bump, Gene Bump
- Carolyn Olkives, Alan and Shirley Olkives
- Castella White and Dale Kinney, Chuck Johnson
- Charles Peck, Dan and Patricia Jankee
- Charles Peck, Robert and Karen Hayes
- Charles Peck, Frederick C Peck and Joanne L Schilling
- CJ Robinson & Lynne Farmer, Justin & Heather Knutesen
- Darlene Yarrington, David L Yarrington
- Darrin W Plantz, Gregory and Dorothy Plantz
- Daryl Dahl, Rick A Nelson
- David "Woody" Woodruff, William L Hrdlicka
- David "Woody" Woodruff, Julie and Randall Woodruff
- David "Woody" Woodruff, Charles Rasmussen, DDS
- David "Woody" Woodruff, Craig and Sarah Conklin
- David "Woody" Woodruff, Don and Kathlyn Geissler
- David "Woody" Woodruff, Dorothy McLernon
- David "Woody" Woodruff, Neil and Lori Lundgren
- David "Woody" Woodruff, Joan Peterson
- David "Woody" Woodruff, Roger and Marilyn Engen
- David "Woody" Woodruff, Barbara Woodruff
- David "Woody" Woodruff, Anonymous
- David "Woody" Woodruff, Ronald and Patricia Morning
- David "Woody" Woodruff, Dunn County Sheriff's Dept.
- David "Woody" Woodruff, Terry and Patricia Bengtson
- David "Woody" Woodruff, Konrad and Sandra Thorson
- David "Woody" Woodruff, Joseph and Kelly Burgess
- David "Woody" Woodruff, Federal Foam Technologies
- David "Woody" Woodruff, Charles and Janice Lorentz
- David "Woody" Woodruff, Berwyn and Janelle Cadman
- David "Woody" Woodruff, Mavis and Gary R Anderson
- David "Woody" Woodruff, Chris Springett
- David "Woody" Woodruff, Steve and Debbie Nutzmann
- David "Woody" Woodruff, Roger and Lois Van Someren
- David "Woody" Woodruff, Jennifer L Luchtenburg
- David "Woody" Woodruff, Bill and Jennie Stewart
- David "Woody" Woodruff, Timothy L Burgess
- David "Woody" Woodruff, Heidi Leigh Glaza
- Deborah Konkel, Carolyn Hathaway
- Don Pardun, Margaret Pardun
- Don Pardun, Margaret Pardun
- Donald Hodges, Marn Gene Myers
- Donald Hodges, Calvary Baptist Church
- Donald Hodges, Barry and Kathleen Mitchell
- Dorothy Walters, John Walters
- Doug/Deb, Steve/Jen, Dave and Jack, Bonna Maypark
- Elroy and Barbara Gunderson, Peter Gunderson
- Elroy, Barbara, Patrick, and Karmen Gunderson, Peter Gunderson
- Erling Johnson, Mr. and Mrs. Howard Hanson
- Fred Doepke, Jr, Marjorie Erickson-Ongna
- Gloria Lauer, Harold and Gloria Lauer
- Gordon Hong, Sr, Angie Hong
- Gordon Pederson, Kayleen Pederson
- Gregory John Bredlau, Dennis Bredlau
- Idella Rutschow, Linda Rutschow
- Jake Mikkel Brown, Jeff and Vicki Iverson
- James Banker, Hall Realty Group LLC
- James Bedell, Gail B Bedell
- James Conrad, Pamela M Stumm
- Jean Luc Ngbwa, Guy Ngbwa Ngbwa
- Jeanette Janke, Sally Malecki
- Jerome Markham, Sharon and Randy Cook
- Jesus Christ, John and Karen Knickerbocker
- Jewel Myers, Marn Gene Myers
- Jim Glover, Eunice M Glover
- Jo-anne and Brian, Sarah Walters
- Joe Eder, Linda Skoug
- John Shinners, Scott and Gina Kircher
- Joshua J Boote, Carol J Petersen
- Judith E Tarr, Robert Becker
- Karen H Fremstad, Katheryne Franson
- Kathryn Stella-Floren, Samuel Floren
- Kathryn Stella-Floren, Doris Johnson
- Kathryn Stella-Floren, Jerilyn R Mulcahy
- Kathryn Stella-Floren, Andrew and Lydia Floren
- Kathryn Stella-Floren, Dennis J Trooien
- Kathryn Stella-Floren, Grace A Tillotson
- Kathryn Stella-Floren, Drake and Terry Talbert
- Kathryn Stella-Floren, Todd Hostager
- Lavon Bullard, LaVon Bullard
- Leen Geske, Jerome and Gladys Geske
- Leo Sommer, Wanda Sommer
- Lorraine Hagen, Susan Hartzell
- Lucy Cota, Loren and Debra Hane
- Marla Fedie, James and Valerie Fedie
- Mary Larson, James Larsen
- Moms & Nancy Allen, Lisa K. Fields
- My Children, Alan Aarestad
- My sisters, Pat & Judy, and my parents, Josie & Ben, James and Linda Dahm
- Our Family home with Jesus, Suzanne Bennett
- Pam Neitzke, Pamela Diekmann
- Patrick Grant, Sheila and Anthony Kvapil
- Paul Freeburg, Alfred (Stan) and Janelle Freeburg
- Pete Adler, Ellen Adler
- Robert Moelter, Susanne Riley
- Roger Kucksdorf, Avery and Linda Burton
- Ruth Blake, Kelly and Michael Blake
- Shirl Martin, Terry and Susan Miller
- Shirley K Stewart, Bill and Jennie Stewart
- Susan Malek, Anna Stanway
- Susan Malek, Tari L Peters
- Susan Malek, Meghan or Jean-Jodi Price
- Susan Malek, John and Julie Reiter
- Tim Pabich, Katherine Zimmerman
- Tom Livingston, Todd A Holmen
- Vera Erdmann, Nanci & Ross Nelson
- Wayne Nero, Ruth Schutz
- William E. Hitzemann, Sr., Katrina and Douglas Clary
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