The Hope of a New Beginning

Dear Faithful Friend,
God offers us a wonderful life with new discoveries each day.
But some don't experience that. They see little beauty in life. One day follows another without hope of improvement. Pain, loneliness and hunger become normal, without hope of change.
Things will only get worse unless something good happens, like coming to Hope Gospel Mission.
Your generosity keeps our doors open to give hurting people a new life. They come here and experience God's love. They encounter His Spirit in this place, and life changes for the better.
In this newsletter you will read about people you are helping. You'll read Pete's inspiring journey to redemption after enduring a decade of miserable pain. One month after coming here he said, "I've never been happier in my life." Life is becoming beautiful for him.
You brought joy to many this past holiday season. Thank you. You are changing our community. You are part of renewing life for people who were living without hope. They are discovering that Jesus comes to all who cry out to Him.
Thank you. May God bless you!
Sandi Polzin
Executive Director
P.S.Even while we were living as God's enemies, He loved us and drew us to Himself. Now, this hope sustains us each day and gives us the confidence we will live with Him in Heaven forever. You help others discover that hope here at Hope Gospel Mission. Thank you.

On a scale of 1 to 10, his pain was an agonizing 8.
A back injury at work kept him at home, with his left leg crippled. All he could do was stay home and drink. Alcohol numbed the pain.
But there was a cost. Pete became an alcoholic. Communication with his wife broke down and they divorced. His son was becoming addicted to opioids, and Pete realized he was setting a terrible example for his son by staying around the house, drinking all the time.
Something had to change. Pete started reading the Bible, the Gospel of Matthew in particular, and could clearly see Jesus wanted more from him than the half-hearted relationship he claimed to have.
So Pete took his first, bold step of faith and was baptized as a sign of commitment. Soon after, a doctor told Pete there was a good chance he could be cured of his back injury. A six-hour surgery to thread a nerve through his spine had remarkable results. A few hours after the surgery, Pete walked out of the hospital almost pain-free. For the first time in 10 years, his paralyzed left leg was functioning.
But he was still addicted to alcohol. He did research and realized recovery programs cost between $30,000 and $50,000. He didn't have money for that and his insurance wouldn't cover it.
Then he found Hope Gospel Mission. He read how men and women here are built up by trusting and obeying Christ. They are learning to live out their new Christian life as revealed in the Bible.
He felt the Holy Spirit leap inside him. This was the place he needed. He took another bold step of faith and came to Hope Gospel Mission. God was leading and he was following.
Sure enough, there was room for him. One month after arriving, Pete said, "I've never been happier." He works in the Mission's Hope Bargain Center. It is hard work for a person who has laid around drinking for so many years. But he loves it. At night he is tired in the best way. He loves the friendships with others here. They talk and share life.
Every night, Pete falls to his knees in prayers of thanksgiving to God for His wonderful blessings. God has him in a place he loves, Hope Gospel Mission, where he's learning about the God he loves with the people he loves.
He thanks God for the kindness of people like YOU who generously care for others here. And he is grateful for the warm conversations with his ex-wife and how God is answering his prayers for his son.
God is good — very good to those who call on Him!

Names and photos in stories may have been changed for privacy.

A huge thank you to all of our faithful volunteers throughout the year! You are a blessing to so many. We would not be able to do what we do without you! If you are not already, please consider becoming one of our wonderful volunteers! Each year, we need over 520 faithful friends to help with the opportunities below.
- Shuttle Driving
- Daily Meal Preparations
- Hope Bargain Center Team Members
- Administrative
- Tutoring
- House Assistants
If you would like more information on serving, call Linda Velie at (715) 491-0905. Thank you for your help. Your time and care for those who are hurting is incredible!

Hope Gospel Mission is now part of Prairie Farms OUR CAPS, YOUR CAUSE. For every milk cap entered, we receive 5 cents toward our programs.
When you peel back the cap sticker on a Prairie Farms full or half gallon of milk you will see a unique code. Enter it at
When prompted with the choice of which organization to give to, please choose Hope Gospel Mission. For every 1,000 entered, Prairie Farms Dairy will send us a check.

The larger the boat, the greater the wake.
Likewise, when a historian looks at a person's life to measure their greatness they ask, "What did that person leave behind that moved people? Did they leave new thoughts that changed and continue to change lives?"
The more lives changed in their wake, the greater the significance of a person's life.
By this measure, Jesus is the greatest person who ever lived — by far. In just three years of ministry, He left a legacy which continues to deeply transform hundreds of millions of people today.
Alone, we have little impact. But if we leave a legacy which strengthens our community, we are part of a life-changing revolution. As we plan and are wise stewards, God uses us to help others change forever.
If you would like to leave a legacy which promotes Jesus Christ to the neediest in our community, please contact us. We can start a conversation for you to change lives for generations to come.
If you have any questions or would like more information on leaving a legacy, email us at or call John Ailie at (715) 552-5566 ext. 1305.

- For our residents to have faith in Christ and live to honor God. May that goal remain our motivation in everything we do and in all of the assistance we provide.
- For fullness of health and spirit for our donors, residents, staff and volunteers.
- For those suffering in the cold to find peace, health and a new life.
- For volunteers to help us remodel the facilities for the new Hope Renewal Center for Women and Children.
- For donors to visit the Mission, see the good they are doing, and give cheerfully and generously.
- For the lovely Christmas we spent with our community celebrating the birth of Jesus.
- For the ongoing presence of the Holy Spirit Who inhabits our praise and empowers our efforts.
- For each person brought here and for God's beautiful plan for their lives.
- For volunteers who come to serve, teach and live out the Gospel at Hope Gospel Mission.
- For our faithful donors and supporters.
The Good You've Done!
Last year, with your help, Hope Gospel Mission provided:

Meals Served

Hours of Employment Training

Nights of Shelter

21,98 8
Hours of Academic Training
Every night of shelter is a great gift for someone without a home. Every meal relieves the pain of hunger for those without food. Every caring word promises hope for a brighter future.
THANK YOU for seeing the need and stepping in to help. Your faithful generosity is very important to those in need.

Christmas was joyful at Hope Gospel Mission! Thank YOU for making it possible.
Many in our community feel alone, hungry and afraid this time of year. They see others celebrating Christmas with loved ones in ways they cannot.
But we are a family here, a very big family, who gathered together to share the celebrations with joy. We ate, talked, laughed and worshipped our God who loves us.
God blessed us this past Christmas. Christ came to bring peace on earth and good will to all. Our hearts were lifted as we experienced Christmas joy together. Thank you for making our holiday one to remember!

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