Renewed Hope Program
The Renewed Hope Program is a long-term homeless and addiction recovery program, similar to an inpatient style treatment program. We help create an intentional, faith-based community for people to find freedom from addiction, recover from trauma, and get back on their feet. Academics, addictions, finances, life skills, mental health, parenting, nutrition/fitness, spirituality, and employment are all addressed to help you build a new foundation.
Those who wish to enroll into this program start out in the Renewed Hope Candidacy period, during which they complete assessments to establish how they can best be helped by Hope Gospel Mission. The candidacy period is also a time for the candidate and Hope Gospel Mission to consider if it is the right decision to continue moving forward. Acceptance into the program is based on commitment, positive attitude, and whether or not the candidate is helping to sustain our intentional, faith-based, healthy, healing community.
The Renewed Hope Program is designed to provide help where you most need it. Each resident is assigned a renewal counselor. They will personally help you create and complete a plan of success for both this program and in life.